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WCU Stories


School of Music faculty talent to be showcased during recital

Western Carolina University’s School of Music begins a fall semester recital series Tuesday, Sept. 4, with the Faculty Showcase Recital.  


WCU biologist: Quality of WNC's fall leaf season hinges on turn to normal weather pattern

Beverly Collins combines her knowledge of forest ecology with observations of weather trends to assess the potential for a big leaf color season.  

WCU Campus

Informational workshop scheduled for provost’s grant applicants

Western Carolina University’s Office of Research Administration will accept applications from WCU tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty and staff for the Provost’s Internal Funding Support Grant through Monday, Oct. 1.  


Rooted in the Mountains event to focus on women's heart health

Western Carolina University will host the Rooted in the Mountains symposium, designed to integrate indigenous and local knowledge with health and environmental issues, on Thursday, Sept. 27, and Friday, Sept. 28, on campus in the Blue Ridge Conference Room.  



There are no words sufficient to express the magnitude of the loss of our beloved chancellor, David Belcher. The sad fact of the inevitability of his passing on June 17 following his decision to go on medical leave at the end of 2017 does absolutely nothing to lessen the sting of our heartbreak. Chancellor Belcher changed the culture of Western Carolina University, and he touched the soul of everyone he met.  

WCU Campus


Officially launched on March 1 of this year with announcement of the largest donation designated specifically for scholarship support in Western Carolina University history, WCU’s “Lead the Way” comprehensive fundraising campaign has netted more than $51 million toward its goal of reaching $60 million by early 2019.  



At a long-legged 5 feet 8 inches, Velma “Leone” Hyde Hughes Ray ’41 (left) had a pretty decent stride. Good thing – she covered a lot of ground in her 77 years: loyal sister, favorite aunt, farm wife, school teacher, basketball player.  

WCU Campus


C.D. Spangler Jr., the late former president of the University of North Carolina System, once said the presence of faculty members on a campus who have earned the “distinguished professor” title is “the very essence of a great university.”   



Simply put, Western Carolina University’s Jamaica Program, which has been developing teachers as leaders in Jamaican schools for half a century, has become the benchmark of success in educational instruction in that Caribbean country.  

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